Saturday, October 11, 2008

Role Play

Sometimes life can be so funny. Little things can happen that can really throw you for a loop...good and bad that is. I have had so many of those moments the last few days, thankfully the good outweigh the bad by far. For that I am thankful to my friends.

Today was an interesting day. I went out to the police academy to do role play for the future police officers, if they pass of course. So they get dispatched to a call and we play out a scenario, the react and are graded by an evaluator. I did sign papers that I cannot talk much about the day, but I can say I had to attempt suicide 6 times...what a place to be emotionally. I was also in a bar scene that was a lot less emotional though. Overall it honestly was a really fun day, I learned so much, yet I also had a chance to see how much I have learned in school. I am taking a criminal procedures class this semester so it benefited me the most in this aspect of my life.

Now I am home, exhausted after a long night. Tomorrow I will be back at the academy, who knows what trouble I will be getting myself into.

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