Monday, October 6, 2008


You know those times when you have something you need to say? The words are so clear in you head, but for whatever reason they just don't seem the same when and if they come out. This seems to be the story of my life right now. I have these things in my head that I can't seem to get out. Things that really need to come out, they are important but they are stuck there. So the thought is if I ramble about to to the world maybe then I will solve the problem.

I have the day off today, from work and school. Amazing I know because honestly this is really rare. There is so much I need to get done, but even still it feels like there is not nearly enough time. I have a friend coming over and I really need to see her. She is that friend I can tell anything to. Our schedules are so crazy it is really hard for us to talk. This really should be a good day...something about it is so off for me though.

Oh well, better luck tomorrow I guess.

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