Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Day ( or a week) In Someone Else's Shoes

We all the know the phrase, "Why don't you try spending a day in my shoes?" But how often do you really have to spend a day in that person's shoes, I mean REALLY spend a day in their shoes? And what if it was a whole week? And even worse what if you couldn't call that person when you had a question and you had to make a judgement call that could impact their life, even in the smallest way? Or if that day not only included doing everything they needed done as well as living in your own shoes? Welcome to my week.....

My boyfriend had to go away for the week and where he is going there is no possible use of a phone so I have no contact this whole week. While he is gone I am housesitting for one of his clients (he runs a dog walking/pet sitting business) where there are 2 dogs, 3 cats and a bird. I also have to walk dogs daily, different ones depending on the day and get the rest of the stuff out of the house he is moving out of by Thursday. All this while I have people calling trying to get the keys he has to the rugby field, former roommates asking for money to pay for the cleaning people and the carpet cleaner. The icing on the cake is that it is spring break for my kids so they are with me part of the week. Needless to say he left yesterday, he is returning Friday, it s only Tuesday and I feel like it has been a month already. Not that maintaining 2 people's lives isn't hard enough, but I miss him so much.

But all in all I am doing it. I am getting through each day and doing my best to get everything that needs to be done completed, as well as making time for fun adventures for the kids. Today we took the dogs we walk out to the Marin Headlands where they could see the light house and the old military bunkers. They had a good time and I was "multitasking"!!!! Tomorrow night the kids are all going back to their dad's house and I will finish up the week on my own, then Friday I will pick up Jer and we will get back to our life the way we know it.

Monday, April 5, 2010

My New Love

A change in my life has occurred and I am loving it. The man I have been with for almost 8 months has turned out to be more perfect than I could have ever imagined. I love that I am in love again, something I feared I may have become to jaded to do. The relationship took time compared to what I had in the past, baby steps as he would say.

In my last post I talked about us being "just friends" and he is no doubt on of my best friends. In the past relationships have gone from hello to I love you in a matter of weeks. Jeremiah made me work for the I love you and 6 months to the day from when we met he said those three words every girl loves to hear. And for those of you who know that I rush to the aisle, have no fear....although this is definitely a man I could see getting married to and growing old with, there is no rush to the alter anytime soon. My thought is that all the work and the time put into this one may actually build a long and lasting relationship.