Monday, September 29, 2008


Okay all you parents out there, I have a question for you...Why is it that the days before you leave for a vacation without kids and the days right after you get home have to be so damn hard? It's like the kids go crazy the days before you leave just to make it easier for you to want to get away and then they make it hell when you get home just to pay you back for going. Luckily 3 out of the 4 had school today so I only had my emotional, hormonal, terrible 3 year old daughter to deal with, but oh my goodness that girl can talk. Not to mention whine and cry about EVERYTHING!!!!! I had some errands to get done so we were all over the place today and when we got home I took a much needed nap.

So the rest of our day is at the in laws house. We have invited ourselves over for dinner (I am giggling on the inside at the thought of how much they love when I do that!!). It made it easier on everyone since I have a school function to be at in Santa Rosa at 7pm. It gives me some extra adults to help with the kids and gives the kids a change of scenery.

So thanks for reading my quick little rant. I really needed to vent for a minute, now it is back to the never ending homework for me.

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