Sunday, September 28, 2008


Guess I should have listened to the guy at work. He is a regular and always reads me my horoscope. He told me last week that it said I was going to be leaving for a trip but things were gonna go wrong. I never listen to that crap, maybe I should have.

Dave and I went to the houseboat on Lake Shasta for a nice weekend away. We got there Saturday night and took the boat out close to Bridge Bay Marina. We had dinner and just enjoyed a nice, quiet and relaxing weekend. The next morning we pumped out the boat, filled the propane and we were off to find the perfect spot to park for the weekend. Well... as we were cruising along a very obnoxious, high pitched sound went off. We tried desperately to find out why and couldn't. We called my father-in-law and he gave is some suggestions, only to find out that the water pump went out on the out drive. This causes the motor to overheat. So we had to shut it off and float the boat in the middle of the lake. We made some calls for help but not much came of that, at least not for a while. So the thought was to let the boat cool back to 140 degrees where it should be and then we would head back towards the marina. When the temp went back up we would find a place to park the boat for the night in hopes that help would come by morning.

Well we waited, and waited, and waited, checking the temp periodically, like watching a pot boil there seemed to be no change. Not much to do from the middle of the lake. We played games, read some magazines and took a nap. After about 6 hours the temp was finally down. So Dave started the boat and we were on our way. Well we got about 100 feet and the temp was right back up to 240 again. There was smoke coming from the engine and everything. So we had to just wait.

Not long after a boat came from the marina to tow us in and we were stuck in that marina for the rest of our "vacation". Fun right???

I have to say, I realized why Dave and I are together this weekend. Maybe it's because things always seem to go wrong when we are together, but we know how to make the best of it. We can laugh about anything and aside from being stranded and never getting to swim or hike or go shooting, we still had fun. We needed a weekend to remind us what our marriage was all about!!

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