Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Not sure if it because I am so tired or just having an odd week, but last night I was so ADD. We went to the Giants game and it seemed to go from a night at the ball game to more of a "people watching" event, at least for me. It was like every time someone said something anywhere around me my head would spin around to see who was talking. Not because I was nosey or really cared about what they were saying, more because there was this magnetic force turning my head around. Then I couldn't help but watch every single person walk down the stairs. It is really comical to witness. You know that guy that is just trying so hard not to spill his beer, or the one that can't seem to find his seat? Even worse is the fact that everyone seems to be bull-legged as they walk down. Which then made me so self conscious of how I walked down the stairs. Then there was this lady walking up and down holding a sign that said something like "Giants Baseball Games 2008", she went up and down every aisle just like the guys that sell all the peanuts and sodas, with the pagent girl smile. When she came by us the guy next to me asked what she was selling and she didn't even respond, like she was in a trance. And last, but certainly not least, was the guy selling Coke and Crackerjacks, he had a little slip up...he stopped right next to my seat to yell, "Coke and Crack", the he turned really red when he realized his mistake, not to mention the fact that he couldn't even keep a straight face as he walked back by.

So there you have it, see you don't have to like baseball to be amused at the game. Thing is I actually like to go and watch the game, I just couldn't seem to do it this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Coke and crack." That's priceless!