Monday, September 22, 2008

Life In The Fast Lane

I think I actually remember a time when life was somewhat simple. When I knew what was coming from day to day. Being a stay home mom it was so much easier to plan things out and follow through, or to just have those days where you just stayed home. I really thought I missed being at work and out of the house. Don't get me wrong I am not in any way trying to say the life of a stay home mom is simple, just that for me it was simpler than where I am right now.

I have worked the last 4 days and I have to work tonight. I finally have a day off tomorrow, but I have to go to get my car fixed then I work 2 more days before I finally leave town. Oh but wait this does not include the fact that I have school, a fieldtrip with Aiden's class, and I have a paper due at 7:30 in the morning tomorrow. Then I have some bills that have to be paid this week, a meeting for the kids health care that I have put off for far to long, a ton of laundry, and packing to do. I am so exhausted!

So everyone knows I am supermom and I will get it all done, the bigger issue is having time with my kids. I miss all those times I was able to just sit and cuddle or just watch them play. It was like I was able to see them grow right before me. Now I feel like I am starting to miss so much. But for all the years I have spent being DJ's mom, Dakota's mom, Aiden's mom, and Kylie's mom not to mention the cabinet guy's wife it is finally time for me to find me. Time to do something I wanna do, and be somebody I wanna be.

On the more positive side, someone asked me last night if I had any regrets having kids so young. This is not the first time I have been asked this recently, so here is my anwser. I see so many people who go to college, get a degree, start a career, get married and of course next thing to do is have kids. Then what happens you either have to stop that career you worked so hard for and possibly lose it forever to be a parent, or you can put your kid in daycare and let someone else raise them from the time they are a baby. Not me, I did the mom thing, I watched my babies grow into strong, independant children ready to take on the world. Now I have 3 down and one to go in school (the last one will start school next fall) and I am starting my journey. So do I have regrets?? Not a chance!!

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